Dividend Income Update: $5,052.48
Hi all, today we have an update for you: MoneyByRamey.com crosses the $5,052.48 annual dividend income mark!
While July 2019 was a relatively slow buying month, the volatility in the market as a whole has presented some solid buying opportunities in August 2019.
The Dividend Purchases
Thus far, we have added to five different positions in our dividend portfolio during the month of August. Here is what we have bought thus far:
- $WRK
- $CMI
- $BP
- $XOM
- $ADM
It is evident that the Chinese tarriff wars are presenting some good opportunities to buy solid companies at lower prices. As dividend investors, it is our objective to buy companies when great valuation points present themselves.
When the world macro events allow us an opportunity to invest, let’s take advantage.
Doing so has allowed me to see my dividend income arise from $1,075.11 a year ago to over the $5,000 mark today.
Being that the end goal is $50,000 in annual dividend income, I am a long ways from achieving my goal. However, in the ‘brick-by-brick’ mentality fashion, I focus on the fact that I am 10% of my overall goal and growing daily.
It is this type of progress that keeps me moving forward on the dividend investing journey.
The MoneyByRamey.com Dividend Portfolio
Above is the MoneyByRamey.com dividend portfolio as of 8.31.19. You can find more info about the portfolio here.
While I absolutely love dividends, I am always searching for new sources of active and passive income streams.
Be on the lookout for writeups in future months of new income streams!

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