5 Money Habits Worth Developing to Boost Personal Wealth

In real-life romantic relationships, it’s often the little things that matter, not the grand gestures worthy of a rom-com movie. The same is true of personal finance. You may have a high-paying job or a huge inheritance, but if you’re bent on boosting personal wealth, know it’s your little money habits that will play a…

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Should You Invest or Pay Off Your Student Loans?

Let’s say that you have some money saved every month. It can be challenging to decide whether to invest or pay off your student loans. At first, the best advice and the most advocated option would be to invest whenever you get the chance.  More on that, it is easier today to invest more than…

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Saving for Retirement in COVID

Saving for Retirement in COVID

Saving for retirement has, and always will be, an excellent goal.  I do think that can be a great motivator for many individuals and is a good reason to save. Even though it’s a long ways in the future, you want to start early and build your wealth.  The earlier you start, the better.   However,…

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Week 11 – Learn Excel & Money Management Tools


Week 11: Learn Excel & Money Management Tools In week 11, we are going to be learning about how programs like Excel, Google Spreadsheets, LibreOffice, etc. can begin to help simplify your Financial Freedom journey through using technology to make our life easier.  By utilizing these tools to track and follow certain metrics in your…

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Quitting My Job: A One Year Check-in

May 15th 2019 marked one year since I walked into my boss’s office and announced that it was time to resign from my full time position. I held this position for 10 years and the change was indeed difficult. Today I’m writing about a one year reflection on quitting my job. Quitting My Job: A…

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Is A Gym Membership Worth It?

Is a Gym Membership worth it?  Should you be spending money on a monthly gym membership? Hello Financial Freedom Seekers! Today I’m fielding a question from a reader asking if a gym membership is worth it.  Basically, they are wondering if they should be spending money to pay for a monthly gym membership. Is a…

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